Standing Oaks residents turn their hands, elbows and chins into makeshift paintbrushes to create artMar 9, 2016In The News: Sue Bendall helps Jeremy Vautour with a shaving cream and paint project during a weekly Hands on Art class Wednesday March 9, 2016 at Standing Oaks, a residence for medically fragile adults in Sarnia, Ont. (Paul Morden, The Observer) #inthenews #HandsOnArt #TheObserver
In The News: Sue Bendall helps Jeremy Vautour with a shaving cream and paint project during a weekly Hands on Art class Wednesday March 9, 2016 at Standing Oaks, a residence for medically fragile adults in Sarnia, Ont. (Paul Morden, The Observer) #inthenews #HandsOnArt #TheObserver